Q After reading Chapter 19, answer question "3" at the end of Chapter 19.5 of the textbook: Think of a leader you admire and respect. Address the following questions (do not retype the questions): • How would you characterize this leader’s style—is the leader autocratic or laissez-faire, a technician, or a coach? • How did this individual become a leader—for example, by appointment, democratic selection, or emergence? • If you include information that is not common knowledge, you must cite the source. To learn and to practice composing a document used in business communications, answer the question in a memo to me. To learn about how to compose and format a memo follow the format found in section 9.2 of the textbook. An example is Figure 9.3 (p. 257)in the textbook. Rubric Chapter 19 Assignment Chapter 19 Assignment Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePrompt The student responds to the following questions: Who is a leader you admire and respect? How did this individual become a leader—for example, by appointment, democratic selection, or emergence? How would you characterize this leader’s style—is the leader autocratic or laissez-faire, a technician, or a coach? 30 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMemo Format The student has composed a document in memo format according to section 9.2 and figure 9.5 in the text. Memo forma includes, but is not limited to, the following: Proper heading, block paragraph form, bullet or number lists (when applicable), proper greeting, and proper salutation. 15 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar/Style It is clear the student has proofread and edited the memo. There are minimal spelling, grammatical, and stylistic errors. The student's writing is concise. 5 pts Total Points: 50 PreviousNext
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